Friday, August 15, 2008

Optometry appointment, discussion of sclerals. He skirted the topic.

I went to the optometrist today. He said that I have a flat cornea and that it is unusual to see someone with a flat cornea who is also nearsighted. Oh really, well that's weird because I HAPPEN TO BE NEARSIGHTED! He said usually people with flat corneas are farsighted. And then he said that he could try scleral lenses as a last resort but he wanted me to try different kinds of contacts that might be more comfortable for me. My eyes dry out within minutes of regular contact wearage you idiot! I wanted to shout but since he said scleral lenses should really be a last resort I went along and agreed to try a few other pairs. One of them, he said was a revolutionary new design made specifically for people with flat corneas. I took them and tried them. They dried out not in the doctor's office but on the way home. Wouldn't you know? Too late to take them back. The contacts he gave me aren't working. My eye feels scratchy as if there is a piece of sand in them when I wear them. I can feel the contacts rubbing against the scar on my eyelid where my chilazion was removed. WHY WON'T HE GIVE ME THE SCLERAL LENSES I WANT? JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE EXPENSIVE AND HARD TO COME BY? Now I'm starting to think LASIK is the only option. I'll have to start a new blog called LASIK and update you on the progress after the surgery I hope to get when I graduate college. For now I continue my quest of scleral lenses. At least for one more semester until I graduate.

Hopefully the doctor will say, "Nothing else really worked for you for real so you can get those sclerals."

Oh yeah and for all those out there who think your health doesn't affect your self esteem, you're wrong. I saw a cute boy, the sexiest boy on earth, think Prince William, with a Connecticut prep school accent. He was a boy from my class and we had been partners on a class project. So I strolled up to him and started talking and suddenly I get this shooting pain in my eye and he must have been like you strange, strange, little girl because I scrunched up my face and said, "I have to go," my "flat cornea" contact was causing so much trouble. I have had no social life since having problems with my eyes.

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