Monday, August 25, 2008

Horrible day

I am a collge senior and I hung out with a freshman...Well it wasn't so bad...We played frisbee on the lawn and watched TV. I went to one class which the professor didn't even bother to show up to and it's the first day. He was still in Beijing. Lazy bastard. An aid passed out the syllabus and that was it. Class over. I purchased the text and went home. All day I hated my glasses. All day I could feel them resting on my nose. When I played frisbee they got sweaty and slipped down my face. I meet old friends and they must think, "You used to be cool. What are you doing with a freshman?" But the poor girl is a nice little thing so... My mom says she will help me get LASIK in December. Only four months of hating my glasses left. You have no idea.

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