Thursday, August 14, 2008

I cannot sleep tonight

Insomnia. I was dreaming about a guy from the internet I met off a site called who happens to look just like Ben Affleck. I am thinking about going to visit him in a few months only it will cost me $385 one way to New Jersey! I can't afford that on my waitress salary. Thing is I'm obsessed with this guy. It's kind of creepy. I've never seen a better looking person in my entire life. He messages me and all and says he hope I come to N.J. soon. What if he's a psycho killer? Still, I'm a major risk taker and going there is something I might eventually do once I save up enough money.

I also need a new apartment. My landlord didn't evict me-exactly, but one day he came in and saw how messy my place was and said he didn't have any more apartments available in the fall. Which was a polite way of evicting me without a formal written statement.

So basically I had sex with myself tonight. It was good but I really need to find a boyfriend. Solo sex isn't the greatest. I had a crappy budget TV dinner, then I cleaned my apartment to get ready for moving. I still haven't found a place. This place was really cheap so that I was able to put part of my paycheck in the bank each month in a savings account. If I find a more expensive one I will have zilch in savings.

Also I am really excited to get fitted for scleral lenses on Friday.

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