Monday, September 15, 2008

I am 75 percent satisfied with my scleral lenses

I finally got them today. They feel great on my diseased cornea but there is some slight lid sensation on the edges of my eyes because of the large size. However I would much rather have these than not.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A definitive date

After not having heard from the secretary at Ellsworth's office, who was supposed to call me and let me know when my scleral contacts were in, I called her today and said politely, "I don't mean to bug you but I just want to know when my sclerals will be in," and she said, "Well, let me check. Our manufacturer will have them in by Monday. So they should be available to you by Tuesday or Wednesday."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Waiting for scleral lenses to come in

I must have ordered them a week and a half ago and I am still waiting for them to come in. Apparently scleral lenses take much longer to come in than regular contacts because they're more specialized and harder to make. I can't wait until they get here.

Monday, September 1, 2008

It happened! Finally!

Dr. Ellsworth agreed to let me try scleral lenses. I had to do a sort of demonstration for him since he'd never really heard of them and I even had to show him an article that I printed out off the internet about them. And then he just kind of gave in and said, "I'll call the lab. See if they can get these things ordered." He never said a definite yes, that they could, indeed be ordered, just that he'd call and ask. So the next day I asked his secretary if the lab could do it. She said yes. Then she said, "I'll call you when they come in." They cost $250 for a year's supply. I can try them first but I can send them back if I don't like them. Hurray! I hope they work.